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- Peter Goes To Hell
- After reading Creeds "Trip to The Moon" article I thought well hey,thats
- educational,so at the expense of a lot of my time and 3 people's lives I
- have recorded a `trip' to hell.
- Please note all experiments were done in my basement at home,using all the
- proper scientific equipment.
- Friday,13th December
- 7.16 pm
- My assistant (Michael Miers) and I had the lab set up perfectly.I took 3
- blue and yellow pills which were marked "Anthrax".My assistant then securely
- bound my head,wrists and ankles to a large metal table (ok,you little fuckers
- I know what you're thinking,so stop it!!!).
- 7.30 pm
- I can't feel anything in my legs,the sensation is gradually spreading up my
- body.I cannot really describe it,it's like having you're legs lowered into
- a multicoloured blender watching the colours spin around hypnotically while
- your legs are being sliced off,its like they ain't there anymore.Hey I can
- now feel a totally wierd sensation flowing through my body,its like total
- agony or hey...a fucking nervous overload..yeah thats it a spiritual arrow
- flying through blue papyrus.Its great.
- 8.00 pm
- Subject,Peter Byrne,is now having nervous spasms and mumbling something like
- M-M--Me--merree-rtry..gurgle,froth,dribble.The Antrax I gave him is a very
- concentrated form of the poison.It has spread through the whole body and...
- gee look at that,he's dead,it has taken a long time to reach his brain but the
- steady flow of blood/saliva flowing onto the floor from his mouth must surely
- indicate total brain death,well and the fact that his heart has stopped.Still
- I must be sure so using a blunt scalpel and a rusty old drill I will remove
- the brain.
- 8.05 pm
- I have removed the brain!
- 8.15 pm
- I have brought the body and brain to a nearby electrical socket and,using 2
- small spoons a fork and the entire electrical supply for Dublin,have got the
- heart beating again.Now I just need to replace the brain and
- 8.30 pm
- Subject,Peter Byrne has regained consciousness and is walking over to the
- keyboard now,he looks violent and g;eoug;lgmg;'xbfkn (sound of hand being
- thrust into persons abdomen ripping his intestines out on the floor)
- I am now here again to describe my experiences in hell.I was floating out of
- what seemed like a tube of toothpaste,and began to plunge into a plasma sea
- the colours melting into my ears causing me to feel a wizzy sensation in my
- brain.The plasma stopped and I saw my dear departed Grandmother calling me.
- When I reached her she began laughing and ripped her head off.Red,or more
- like crimson or ruby blood spurted out of her neck covering my soul.It's
- hard to describe the sensation...its like someone throwing a bucket of sticky
- water in your face,the blood tasted a lot like animal piss.Then my headless
- grandmother faded away into darkness and flames began to appear everywhere.
- My flamable soul began to catch fire the sensation was a mind numbing total
- state of pain and agony at first but then it turned into a tingling sensation
- and my soul actually felt cool and pleasent.The next thing I know I'm back in
- my old fuckin' body again and that berk of an assistant is typing a load of
- crap on the keyboard,so I plunged my fingers into his stomach and firmly
- gripped his backbone.Then with a horrible crunch and a spurt of yellow bone
- marrow my assistand lay folded at an almost 90 degree angle,his intestines
- heaved out on the cold stone floor.
- Well thats all 4 now as I have to `dispose' of the body.
- Rock on ta GN'R forever dudes!
- P O L A R I S